Thursday, September 3, 2020

Compare the Way Poets Present Relationships Essay Example For Students

Look at the Way Poets Present Relationships Essay This causes the furnished to get Jealous, Impatient and potentially intellectually shaky. In the fourth verse, the rancher portrays his significant other as she is to nature sweet To her wild self, at that point asks however what to me? This short sentence mirrors his failure to appreciate why she is so sweet to nature however not to him this is the wellspring of his dissatisfaction. Her wild self could be Interpreted as the rancher saying she Is herself In the wild, or as him calling her wild. This disappointment is shown in the last verse, where he says Its however a step in between us. The steps recommend that the rancher imagines that in the event that he can get sat this hindrance between the couple, he can have an ordinary relationship with his significant other, in spite of the fact that as a general rule, it is her heart that Is shut to him, not Just her entryway. The last refrain Is spread out with the goal that It seems as though steps, for a visual just as verbal picture. The word yet could speak to his disappointment to the point that he considers driving himself upon her. The rancher needs enthusiasm, however he doesn't believe love to be significant any longer. The lady in The Manhunt, in any case, realizes that her accomplice cherishes her, however needs his recuperation over energy. The blown pivot of his lower Jaw could introduce either a physical issue from his war, or the way that he cannot discuss his injury Is he harmed or genuinely shut? In contrast to the Farmer from The Farmers Bride, this lady is attempting to empathic with her accomplice, to feel the hurt of his touched heart. Despite the fact that the lady has not been to war herself, she invests exertion to attempt to comprehend her accomplices torment. His touched heart is not, at this point entire, however not Injured to the final turning point the lady Is attempting to fix her accomplice. The word brushed could likewise speak to a physical Injury - ? anyway most of her ratters wounds are covered somewhere down in his brain for instance, his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which made each nerve in his body this repeats how he Is sincerely shut. The way that the injuries are covered proposes that they are covered up and harder to get at. In any case, In the last line, the lady expresses that she had verged on modifying their relationship her endeavors, albeit indulgent, 1 OFF Simon Remarriage rehashes the expression at exactly that point multiple times all through The Manhunt. This accentuation that it is so hard to recoup a relationship when your accomplice has hanged in this example, because of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. He additionally Juxtaposes the expressions energetic evenings and private days. This recommends the affection was physical as well as passionate. The fundamental method Remarriage utilizes, nonetheless, is symbolism to propose delicacy. His collarbone is depicted as harmed, porcelain and his punctured lung as parachute silk the silk additionally recommending extravagance, and the parachute illustrative of how he was harmed in the military. In the tenth refrain, the shot in his chest is depicted as a hatchling of metal. The baby proposes sensitivity. In any case, a hatchling develops maybe this is representative of his psychological maladjustment? Remarriage likewise utilizes enjambment, alongside the absence of full stops, to cause the wounds to appear to be an interminable reiteration. Charlotte Mew likewise utilizes enjambment in the last verse of her sonnet The Farmers Bride to propose a developing eagerness. Be that as it may, rather than utilizing less accentuation, Mew expands the sum, to mirror the Farmers unreasonable perspective, defeat by physical want. Sibilance is utilized in the fourth refrain, to speak to the towns tattle the rehashed s sound is significant of quieted murmurs. .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8 , .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8 .postImageUrl , .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8 , .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8:hover , .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8:visited , .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8:active { border:0!important; } .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8:active , .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-improvement: underline; } .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-adornment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb 40fa2a739423f8 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u5b3a79d4b391f4dbfb40fa2a739423f8:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: King Richard Third EssayThe spouse, then again, doesn't talk did Mew keep in touch with her quietness to be intelligent of the way that, at the hour of composing, ladies had no voice in the public arena? Be that as it may, similar to a creature, she talks with her eyes or does her jumpy, possessive spouse Just expect this? Once more, Mew may have utilized this to speak to the way that ladies around then were assets to their significant other. In both The Manhunt by Simon Remarriage and The Farmers Bride by Charlotte Mew, troublesome connections are introduced while investigating psychological maladjustment, utilizing methods, for ex ample, enjambment and imagery.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Time Machine by H. G. Wells essays

The Time Machine by H. G. Wells articles Let me start off this article by saying that I trust H.G. (Herbert George) Wells is one of the most smart authors of his time: a genuine futurist. Clearly, I read The Time Machine by H.G. Wells and I might want to state that it was very elegantly composed and seems as if it was composed decently as of late. It might simply solid along these lines in light of the fact that mankind has not so much attempted Time Traveling. The subject of The Time Traveler is, from my perspective: Think about what you are doing before doing it. The Time Traveler ought to have thoroughly considered his excursion and avoided potential risk for everything that might turn out badly, or ideal so far as that is concerned. On the off chance that he had done this, I am certain he would have had a camera, matches (to ward off the Morlocks), stogies (he continually aches for them all through the novel) and obviously, his machine would not have been caught by the Morlocks. The fundamental characters in The Time Machine were The Time Traveler, Weena (an Eloi who The Time Traveler safeguarded), the Eloi as a race and the Morlocks as a race. Since you know the principle characters, I will clarify their motivation in the novel and their practices. Weena was by a long shot the most intriguing character with regards to the novel. She was an Eloi who was suffocating while at the same time attempting to wash in a stream. The Time Traveler immediately hopped into the stream and saved her. Weena then began following The Time Traveler wherever during his investigations. He found out about the Eloi individuals and their language and the Morlocks from Weena. The Time Traveler was unquestionably smart. He made sense of an approach to go through time! He was likewise an enchanting, rich and inviting man, excessively restless and inquisitive, I would state. His tension caused him to go to some other time ill-equipped, nothing with him except for a bundle of matches. T he Morlocks are an advanced identical to our present day primates-simply uglier, smellier and they live underground. They are extremely forceful and are blinded by even powerless wellsprings of lig... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

No theme - Essay Example This altogether influenced the course of history of China as will be featured hereunder. The Qing Dynasty was the last amazing domain to manage China. As prior expressed, in spite of the fact that it started very well in its offer to change China into an amazing state, the tradition experienced different inner and outside difficulties that affected adversely on the course of China. Right off the bat, the line was confronted with inside wrangles that made political flimsiness. This made it hard for China to make a steady government to satisfy Chinas advancement motivation. A portion of the prominent inner wrangles that changed the course of Chinese history incorporate the Nian defiance of 1853-1868; the Mao resistance of 1850-1872; the Red Turban disobedience of 1854-1857; and the Yunnan insubordination of 1855-1863. Besides, the Qing Dynasty was portrayed by elevated level of debasement subsequently shortening the advancements that had started to be acknowledged in China. The administration likewise confronted the issue of absence of a capable Manchu initiative. Absence of solid administration made it amazingly hard for the tradition to advance the improvement of China. Aside from the inner issues, the course of Chinese history was additionally incredibly influenced by outer variables. Right off the bat, the thrashing of Qing government in the nineteenth century by remote forces brought about the inconvenience of inconsistent bargains on China, which incredibly affected adversely on China. For example, the burden of the inconsistent settlements, politically encroached on the national privileges of China, accordingly bringing about a ruin. Also, the colonialism of the outside economies exacerbated the social enduring in China. For example, the expanded importation of modest material merchandise from remote nations by the Qing government brought about the breakdown of most Chinese businesses. The Qing line additionally devastated the economy of China by advancing troublesome parity of exchange, in this manner bringing about the decrease of the

Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Research Proposal on Couple Marital Counselling - 2200 Words

A Research Proposal on Couple Marital Counselling (Research Paper Sample) Content: A Research Proposal on Couple CounsellingNameInstitutionA Research Proposal on Couple CounsellingAbstractMarital counselling is crucial to revitalize troubled marriages as it calls for a considerate decision making process about restructuring relationships. Previous research reveals infidelity, financial mismanagement, abusive partners, just to mention a few, as the major contributing factors to unhealthy relationship and marriage break ups. There exist skimpy literature that address the fundamentality of communication between parties. Consequently, majority of psychotherapist find it hard to give permanent solutions to couples experiencing marital problems which transpires to increasing annual divorce rates around the globe. To bridge the aforementioned gap in marriages, this studies aims at examining the relationship between marriage satisfaction and effective communication between couples. The paper will mainly adopt qualitative approach and make use of internet su rvey, follow-up interviews and exploratory interviews among couples. The gathered data will then be examined using descriptive statistics, thematic analysis and discourse analysis. The findings of the study are expected to enhance accountability in the existing therapeutic programs. Furthermore, the applied research is also expected to add to existing social and political focus in marriage planning and marital counselling services.Table of ContentsContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc454543320 \h 2Definition of Terms PAGEREF _Toc454543321 \h 2Introduction PAGEREF _Toc454543322 \h 3Problem Statement PAGEREF _Toc454543323 \h 3Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc454543324 \h 4Research Design PAGEREF _Toc454543325 \h 5Brief Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc454543326 \h 5References PAGEREF _Toc454543327 \h 7Definition of TermsMarital Counselling It refers to couple counselling.Effective communication It involves active and positive communication between individuals.Therapy- A pr actise where a trained therapist spend time with a mentally or emotionally trouble person to diagnose and treat psychological problems.Regulated couples: Couples that are more likely to overcome marriage conflicts in a way that does not harm their relationship. Individuals are likely to experience marriage satisfaction.Healthy relationships: Are type of relationships where couples achieve marriage satisfaction.Nonregulated couples- couples are likely to engage in unending conflicts and either party is uncaring, more irritated and less happy.IntroductionThe marital relationship remains a subject of interest for professionals who specialize in premarital and marital counseling as a way of promoting family life education. Naturally, human being enters into a relationship with a mutual expectation that the involved parties will maintain a substantial contact with each other, fostered by the desire to feel secure within these relationships (Amato Previti,2003). However, controversies ex ist in marriages, which brings marital dissatisfaction and thus the need for the marital therapist to sustain and revert dying marriages. The ramifications of marital dissatisfaction are severe and happen to individuals of all races, ages, and cultural backgrounds. For instance, divorce has adverse implications not necessarily on the children but also for the parents and which last for years.To promote family life education, skilled therapist run therapeutic programs that address issues like parenting, effective communication, marital satisfaction, to state a few (Torma, 2013). Equally, distinct religious organizations and churches have not been left behind and have significantly invested in programs aimed at establishing healthy family functioning. This study is anchored on exploring the connection between effective communication in marital life and healthy relationship. In other words, it seeks to probe the association between marital and premarital counseling and marital satisfac tions in family lives.Problem StatementMost marriages do not fail for the same reason even though the lack of effective communication between couples is the major factor. Coincidently, social work specialists consider intervention efforts more than prevention efforts when addressing issues of marital dissatisfaction caused by factors such as infidelity, employment, child-rearing, different expectations, etc. Recently, different scholarly work has heavily criticized the relationship between marital satisfaction and efficient communication skills. Some renowned therapist reiterates that upset marriages are more often driven by frustrated desires of either of the parties that partially or not reflect an actual gap of effective communication. Furthermore, troubled couples may prefer to communicate in a negative which can motivate unpleasing intentions from either party and hence the need for this study to examine on how communication is a fundamental factor in building a healthy relatio nship.It is my hope that the findings of this study will enhance accountability in the existing therapeutic programs, will bridge the gap and the current assumptions on communications as a strategy of enriching marriages. The applied research is also expected to add to existing social and political focus in marriage planning and marital counseling services. Finally, the findings of this study will act as guide to the theologians in making theological reflections about marriages and drawing the best insights that fit different marriage issuesResearch QuestionsThe main goal of couple counseling is usually to enhance stability and satisfaction for parties in a relationship. Development of communication skills by either partner in marriage is more likely to embolden companionship and thus strengthen intimacy between couples since it promotes to joint problem solving and decision-making. This paper will explore the following questions: 1 Is involvement in couple counselling likely to enh ance couples communication and thus a greater satisfaction in a marriage? 2 In times of a marital discord, can therapist advocate for couples communication to restore a greater satisfaction of the partners and reduce likelihood of divorce? 3 Does positive communication determine the quality and stability of marriages?Research DesignThe aim of the study is to contribute to good practice in couple counseling and psychotherapy by discussing the importance of couples communication in enhancing a healthy relationship. The paper will adopt qualitative approach and make use of internet survey, follow-up interviews, and exploratory interviews with couples. The gathered data will then be examined using descriptive statistics, thematic analysis, and discourse analysis. The exploratory interviews are expected to show respondents consciousness on couple counseling services. The internet survey will help to clarify whether therapist could introduce effective communication to families in a marita l discord to silence marital problems and enhance positive changes. Lastly, follow-up interviews will be used to examine to what extent effective communication insights gained by families that were experiencing marital discords during couple counselling was restoring marriage happiness.Brief Literature ReviewThe literature review for this study expands on a possible connection between couples communication counseling and marital satisfaction. The majority of person treasures fruitful and healthy relationships. Initially, new married couples play significant roles focused on enhancing a future healthy partnership by defining the course their relationship will take. In the event of marital discords between couples, marital counseling is crucial troubled as it calls for a thoughtful decision-making process about restructuring relationships.According to a study by Carroll and Doherty (2003), approximately 93% of the Americans aspire to have a happy marriage and views it as the most mean ingful purpose in life. Whereas happy and marriages are unquestionably diverse, most therapists concur that most happy marriages enjoy significant benefits such as physically healthy and emotional well-being and thus long lifespan. Contrary, discordance in marriages affects the well-being o...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Personal Information On Social Media - 756 Words

Social media allows people publish and share text, photos and videos, and it is generally contains profile with personal information. When children s news posted on social media, it can be seen to a worldwide audience if the parents forget to check the privacy setting. It sometimes brings troubles due to the kid s limited capacity of dealing with the consequences of the disclosure about their images, such as commercial exploitation and identity theft (ALRC Report 108, 2008, pp.2221-2236). In February this year, Sydney Morning Herald released a news about Sydney PR queen Roxy Jacenko who oversharing her four-year-old daughter on social media, the exposure of the photos triggered someone s attention and photoshopped it into sexualized images and circulated via social media. She reported the matters to police and cried for the damage, but thing was happened, once the images has been shared and retweeted, it is hard take those off the social media. In fact, Jacenko runs Instagram account as a business to launch Pixie’s Bows with her daughter’s name. It has over 100,000 followers and reportedly charges $500 for paid advertising. As Susan McLean (a cyber safety expert) says, the people who digital altered the photos is abhorrent, Jacenko also has the responsibility for the matter (Marriner, 2016). The issue elicited the parents to rethink whether it is suitable to post and share their children s images on the social media. Lots of advocates reached to the parents toShow MoreRelatedInformation, Personal, And Social Media1303 Words   |  6 Pagesmonitored. They are not contemplating whether the personal e-mail they just sent using their company’s seemingly secure private e-mail service is being screened by their employers or whether their banking activity is being monitored for patterns aligned with terrorism. Many would assume that simply having a password to access your e-mail would keep out unwelcome eyes. 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Some Job InterviewersRead MoreOnline Activities And Social Media1325 Words   |  6 Pagesusers and sell it to advertisers. Advertisers then begin targeting social media users who match their profiles with online ads. As a user of social media, I often do online research on a particular topic or item I’m looking to buy to compare features and learn more about it. The next time I check my yahoo mail account, the side banner advertisements have all the items that I’ve recently searched online. It’s creepy. Social media users seem to have a false sense of privacy because it feels somewhatRead MoreSocial Media Has Cause The Security Problem855 Words   |  4 Pagescollege students will build the close relationship with their teachers and more enhancing their engagement with study through using the social media, using social media still exist some unsafely problem to the student. Using the social media will cause the security problem, such as identity thieve will stole college student’s personal information from their social media account and the threaten massage, these two things deeply negative affect their daily life. For instance, Heidi Daitch graduated fromRead MoreEthical Issues Of Social Media963 Words   |  4 PagesEthical Issues in Social Media Emerging Information Technologies are faced with numerous ethical issues. One of the most centers of ethical debate in Information Technology is social networks. Social networking has changed from a niche phenomenon to mass adoption. Although the concept of social networking was formulated in the 1960s, the advent of fast internet has sent the concept viral. Currently, social networks have been dogged with myriad ethical issues. Privacy issues are the epicenter of theseRead MoreEssay On Social Media1377 Words   |  6 PagesHow do most people use social media networks? Some people use social media as a way to get in contact with friends and family. Some people use social media as a way to advertise businesses and events. Others use it as a means of entertainment and information. The Merriam-Webster dictionary states the definition of social media as â€Å"forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content† (Merriam-Webster, 2017)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Role of Nurses in the Vietnam War Essay - 1422 Words

The Role of Nurses in the Vietnam War On March 15, 1965, large shipments of troops arrived in South Vietnam. These troops occupied the country until 1973. During this time, many men fought and died for the United States of America. The numerous nurses that operated on thousands of soldiers are often forgotten. The soldiers that the nurses operated on were usually blown apart and crippled for life. The nurses worked diligently to save these men. Even by working hard to save these men they were not recognized as army personnel by the public. The Vietnamese citizens and even the male American soldiers looked down upon the nurses. The United States did not acknowledge the nurses that served in the Vietnam War until 1993. The nurses†¦show more content†¦The attitudes of the men were completely different when the women went into a bar. The soldiers and generals would invite the nurses to parties and treat them nice; but, their sole purpose would be to sleep with them (Marshall 252). The officers should have treated the nurses with respect. The most severe instance in which the male officers showed that they did not recognize the nurse as army personnel was in two cases in which nurses were murdered (Marshall 23). This should not have been tolerated. The two soldiers did not even receive severe repercussions, one was court-marshaled and the other had nothing had nothing happen to him. If these soldiers murdered male soldiers they would have been court-marshaled and possibly received the death penalty. Aside from the Vietnamese people and the army personnel, the army as a whole did not consider the nurses important. The Vietcong pounded the airbase with mortars most of the night, and the security at the hospital was not even tightened (Smith 171). This is another case in which the nurses were not considered important enough to protect. Also, there were almost no feminine products for women to buy at the Post Exchange, a military bases department store (Marshall 42). The male of ficers could buy anything from playing cards to clothes, but females had to do with what they had. The nurses were alsoShow MoreRelatedThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam1534 Words   |  7 Pages The Vietnam War began November 1st, 1955 and ended April 30th, 1975. It was a long costly war that involved North Vietnam and their Southern allies, known as Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its main ally the United States. This war was very unpopular at home and would end with the withdrawal of the United States and the unification of Vietnam under communist control. Many think of war as something that just men are involved in but very rarely do people think of the role of women in the warRead MoreEssay on Nursing During the Vietnam War675 Words   |  3 PagesNursing During the Vietnam War The Vietnam War was the longest war ever fought by U.S. military forces. U.S. personnel were engaged from 1961 until 1973. Approximately 10,000 U.S. military women served in Vietnam during the war. Most were members of the Army, Navy, and Air Force Nurse Corps. All of the Army nurses were volunteers who attended a six-week basic training class, and then were assigned to one-year stunts in Vietnam hospitals and mobile army surgical hospital (MASH) units. Most ofRead MoreWomen During The War : The Silent Heroes1676 Words   |  7 Pages Women in the war: the silent heroes When the war broke out many men were deployed to fight but, without the help of women many of the men would have never survived. Between 4,000 and 15,000 women were sent to Vietnam for various reasons. Approximately 90% of the women were nurses. Though most of the women were nurses a select few were there in all military branches. Even though these women were in the specific branches they never fought on the frontline. The WAC, Women s Army CooperationRead MoreNurses During The Vietnam War1492 Words   |  6 Pages Nurses that served in the Vietnam War experienced a tremendous amount of horrific tragedies and stressful events. They are commended for all of the time they served and the dedication to their country, along with the advice they brought home with them. All of the nurses who signed up for the war were volunteers. Approximately 7500 US military nurses served in Vietnam during the war (Scandell 600). Women volunteered for a number of reasons such as to begin a mili tary career, acquire more nursingRead MoreWomen During The Vietnam War1294 Words   |  6 PagesWomen were a heavy presence in the Vietnam war. While 1/3 of the men in the Vietnam were drafted; most of the women volunteered. Many women wanted to escape having to settle down and get married and some had something to prove to their families. While others just wanted to help their country. 90% of the women were nurses, but they were also air traffic controllers, physicians, intelligence officers, clerks, among the positons. In the 1960’s, American women took a role and supported their country in manyRead MoreThe Vietnam Womens Memorial Foundation Essay583 Words   |  3 Pages There is little official data on female Vietnam War veterans, because the military mostly favored recording the achievements of men in the army. The Vietnam Womens Memorial Foundation estimate that approximately 11,000 women were stationed in Vietnam from 1962 to 1973. Only about ten percent of women ser ved as soldiers. The ones who did were normally treated as second class soldiers; their role was perceived only as a helpmate instead of a soldier, and they were often put in dangerous situationsRead MoreThe Role Of Women During World War I845 Words   |  4 Pagesto the war effort. While women only recently have been inactive military duty on the battle field, they ve acted as factory workers, nurses, recruitment as well as many aspect as they filled in the gap that men left at war. They that kept the war going. Without the support of the women, the men on the front would not have been about to continue fighting. Wars can not be fought with out weapons and military tools. During World War One, with the inability of men to both fight in the war and produceRead MoreA Piece Of My Heart1201 Words   |  5 PagesA Piece of My Heart is about six women who joined Vietnam War as nurses, a Red Cross volunteer, and a USO country-western singer. They need to face to death during the war. After the war, they suffer difference between the truth of Vietnam War and society’s opinion. On the other hand, Yamato is mainly about male soldiers of the Japanese Navy during World War II. Yamato also displays how women who are not in the war think about the war. Yamato is the name of the largest Japanese battleship. When theyRead MoreThe Vietnam War ( 1955-1975 )1575 Words   |  7 PagesThis investigation focuses on the Vietnam War (1955-1975), and will explore the question: â€Å"To what extent did role of Vietnamese women in society change after the Vietnam War?† The investigation will focus on t he years 1945-1987, to analyze their role prior to the war, as well as after. The first source to be evaluated is The Position of Women in Vietnam, written by Richard J. Coughlin in 1950. The origin of this source is valuable because it was written during the time period that this investigationRead MoreThe Battle Of The Vietnam War Essay1431 Words   |  6 Pagesdiscussion of the Vietnam War was never far from people’s minds. This war would serve as an introduction to what war was to the home front. It was in the homes of America where so many had been previously sheltered from the realities of war. During previous conflicts, there had been a military censorship on all media that pertained to war. This would not be the case in Vietnam, it would be completely uncensored. The ability for reporters to provide a commentary on the war without censorship

Tracking and Reporting Costs and Profitability †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Tracking and Reporting Costs and Profitability. Answer: Introduction: Accurate estimates are very important in project management. It is very critical that in a successful project, the financial estimates associated with that project are as accurate as it is possible in order to ensure that the objectives of the project are attained as planned (Callahan, Stetz Brooks,2011). Estimates for the project should be created from bottom-up so as to ensure that they are as accurate as possible. Cost estimation is at the core of the success of a project since the cost part of the project is very crucial. Lack of proper estimates of the cost of a project can lead to delays in the project or complete halt of the project. Over-allocating resources can also lead to wastage of important resources. Brian needs to estimates the cost of implementing the project accurately in order to ensure optimum utilization of resources. Accurate estimation of costs will ensure that the project is completed on time (Lock, 2013). This is because, if all the resources are availed on t ime, every activity will take place as planned and hence ensure that the project is completed within the planned four months. The top-down approach of cost estimation in project management means that the project manager starts with analyzing the goals and final deliverable of the project. The project manager then breaks down the deliverable into smaller tasks and objectives that need to be fulfilled in order to achieve the final goals of the project. ( Schwalbe, 2009). When this is done, the resources required to perform each task are identified and the cost of carrying out every activity is determined. The main advantage of this approach is that the major tasks are quickly identified. Brian can estimate costs that are needed in this project using this approach by starting with the top goals and objectives of the project. In the bottom-up approach, the project team defines the tasks and accurately estimates the cost involved in implementing the project (Fox Van, 2007). One of the major advantages of this approach is that it involves all the project team members at the beginning of the project and hence the costs are more accurately estimated. The tasks and activities identified at the lower level are then refined and reviewed as you move up the management hierarchy of the project (Chemuturi Cagley, 2010). I would prefer using bottom up approach in situations where project budgets are required and monthly financial forecast need to be done. I would use the top-bottom approach in a situation where a project portfolio needs to be prepared where the project time line is very limited and hence a full scope of the project budget is not required. Costs can be grouped into various categories. Costs can be grouped as direct cost or indirect costs. Direct costs are the cost that can be traced directly to a particular product required in the project and they include the direct labor and materials (Ducros Fernet, 2010) The other category of costs is the indirect cost which can be defined as the costs that are incurred in the project but cannot be traced directly to a particular object that is identifiable in the project. An example is the cost of insurance for the project and overhead costs. Cost can also be categorized as variable costs, semi-variable costs or fixed costs. Variable costs are the costs that vary in proportion from time to time and depending on changes in activities. Fixed costs are the costs that remain constant irrespective of the level of activity (Pitagorsky, 2007). Semi-variable costs change in total but not depending on proportion of change of activities in the project. The project manager has control of fixe d costs but not variable costs. A white elephant is a project that cannot be disposed off by the owner and whose costs including those of maintenance and continuation of the project are not economical and do not match the usefulness of the project (Bruce Langdon, 2009). It is a project whose cost is way above its expected usefulness and hence it is better to abandon the project rather than go ahead and incur more losses. An example of a renowned white elephant is the Russky Island Bridge which cost more than $1billion and it failed to meet basic threshold. The Empire State building in New York is another good example of a white elephant. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a key project deliverable that organizes the work of a project team into small manageable tasks. For a successful project, the WBS has to be well linked with project networks. These are linked by including the tasks in the project plan after which the WBS structure is created. This is then followed by analyzing and evaluating the relationship between the tasks after which risk scheduling is done depending on estimation of duration of each task and the inter dependencies which determine the series of occurrence of tasks in a project (Heldman, 2011). The linking of the WBS and the networks ensures that the performance of tasks flows systematically and some tasks cannot precede others. The WBS cannot be ignored by Brian in the project because, it enables the project manager and the project team to form the project networks and hence networks cannot be developed without breakdown of work structure( Lock, 2014). The WBS defines the scope of the project in a manageable manner at each and every level. There breakdown of the project into small structures helps the project team to identify the relationship between the various tasks and identify the tasks that can be merged and the ones that are independent since they are not closely related. The WBS shows the relations of tasks part-whole(McCarthy, 2010) . This means that it shows the relations from the point where the tasks are incomplete to the point where the whole project is completed. By going directly to the project networks, it means that the dependencies between the various project deliverable is not explained. Slack can be defined as the amount of time that a task or activity in the project schedule can be delayed without causing free float or total float. Free float is where the tasks that depend on the task that has delayed gets delayed as well (Kloppenborg, 2015). Total float is the delay in final completion date due to the delay in completion of one or more tasks in the project network (Meredith Mantel, 2012) For example delay in procurement of ventilation systems and rank will delay the installation of the same and hence the city inspector cannot approve the project. If the supply is delayed by 10 hours, the slack in this case is ten hours given that the next activity will not be delayed. Slack is therefore very important to project managers since it provides flexibility to the project managers. They can be able to adjust the project schedule without delaying some tasks or project completion date once they slack has been determined. This is crucial in ensuring that the project is comp leted on time and within the estimated project budget. Free slack is the amount of time that a scheduled activity can be delayed without delaying the next activity whose implementation depended on the the other task while total slack is the amount of time that a scheduled task can be delayed without delaying the scheduled project completion data. It is calculated using the critical path method. For a project manager to execute the project plan and schedule effectively, it is important to understand the lead time and lag time of the project. In a project situation, when the first activity is complete, there is a period of time that is taken before the next task in the schedule begins (Australia Blanton, 2015). This is referred to as lag and its very common in many projects. For example there will be a time period taken between the arrival of the new power cables and supplies and the beginning of installation of the cables. Lags is important in project network since it enables the project managers to allow for an allowance of time required to prepare for the next activity in the schedule. This ensures that the project plan takes into consideration the time required to transition to the next activity and hence ensure that the project schedule is well prepared and the project is completed in accordance to the time lines (Mir Pinnington, 2014). Hammock activity is a schedule used for grouping tasks that are between two end dates and it depends on those end dates. It helps in grouping unrelated tasks in hierarchical structure where there is not inter dependency (Mehta, 2007). Hammock activities are used in project management to group smaller sub tasks that are in between major tasks. The sub-tasks have no fixed sequence of accomplishment and can be done at any time. Hammock activities enable the project team to breakdown tasks into sub-tasks which can be allocated to different people for execution. The sub-tasks can be carried out simultaneously since they are not dependent on one another. Hammock activities help the project manager to allocate small tasks to team members so that the major tasks can be completed effectively and efficiently (Ponnappa, 2014) This eventually results to reduction of free slack. This section outlines the steps to be followed in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the project. Task name Task No. Task predecessor Duration Status Start date Planned completion date Conducting of initial meeting 01 N/A 1 day Match 1st 1/3/2018 Hiring of contractor 02 01 7 days 2/3/2018 8/3/2018 Network design 03 02 14 days 9/3/2018 22/3/2018 Procuring new servers ,switches ,racks and network devices 04 03 14 days 23/3/2018 5/4/2018 Procurement of power supplies and data cables 05 04 7 days 6/4/2018 12/4/2018 Installation of ventilation system 06 05 7 days 13/4/2018 19/4/2028 Installation of racks 07 06 21 days 20/4/2018 10/5/2018 Renovation of data center 08 07 20 days 11/5/2018 30/5/2018 Inspection of the project by city inspector 09 08 2 days 31/5/2018 1/6/2018 Installation of data cables 10 09 5 days 2/6/2018 6/6/2018 Running of data cables 11 10 7days 7/6/2018 13/6/2018 Meetings with functional units 12 Simultaneous 21 days 14/6/2018 4/7/2018 Power check 13 Simultaneous 1 day 4/7/2018 4/7/2018 Installation of test servers 14 13 12 7 days 5/7/2018 11/7/2018 Charging batteries and review of systems and network 15 14 2 days 12/7/2018 13/7/2018 Checking off primary systems and meetings 16 15 1 day 14/7/2018 14/7/2018 Moving network components to new data server 17 16 2 days 15/7/2018 16/7/2018 The recommendation on how the goals and objectives of the project can be met is merging of related tasks to ensure that time is saved. Tasks such as procurement of power cables as well as racks and ventilation system can be merged and performed as other activities continue to be carried out(IT Project Management, 2011). This will result to reduction of time required to complete the project by 3 weeks. The duration of meeting functional teams is also too long and it results to wastage of time. This duration needs to be reduced to 2 days for each functional team. Project budget estimates The project budget estimates the costs required to implement all the tasks identified when preparing the project schedule. The budget is presented in form of a table for better understanding and interpretation. Budget description Amount ($) Salary for project team members 8,800 Hiring contractor 12,000 Purchase of servers, switches and other network devices 14,500 Purchase of racks and installation 9,200 Procurement of power supplies and data cables 10,750 Cost of installing test servers 5,150 Transportation cost 4,100 Ventilation system cost 13,100 Purchase of materials required to repair the data center 9,400 Total 87,000 The team members will be performing extra duties apart from what they are employed to do and this warrants an allowance of $367 per month for each of the six team members. The total cost for this is $8,800. The contractor who will repair the facility will be paid $12,000 which is mainly the cost of labor that the contractor will incur in constructing the center. The servers, switches and other network devices will be purchased at a cost of $14,500. The racks required to hold the ventilation will be $9,200 since several racks are required and the installation cost is also catered for in this estimate. Procurement of power supply and data cables will cost a significant amount since its one of the main materials required in this project (Project Management Journal., 2013). The cost of purchase and installation of ventilation system are also accounted for in the budget, the transport cost and the cost of repairing the data center. The total cost for the project is estimated to be $87,000 . Priority matrix The activities and tasks in this project are prioritized depending on four different criteria which include organizational benefits of the project, complexity of the task and risk value of the task. All the tasks are allocated equal maximum weight of 5. Task name Complexity Risk value Benefits to organization Total score Hiring contractor 3 2 4 9 Purchase of servers and network devices 3 3 3 9 Installation of ventilation 2 2 3 7 Repair of the building 4 4 3 11 Installation of power and data cables 4 3 3 10 Project network diagram The project begins with the identification of a contractor who then is tasked with repairing the building in which the severs are to be located. At the same time as the repair work is being carried out, Brian will be busy designing the network an activity that will take at least three weeks. The ventilation system is then purchased which leads the event of installing the system as indicated the diagram. Once these events are completed, the event of inspection of the systems begins and it takes two days to carry out the inspection. After inspection, the activity of installing and running the data cables. This leads to the final event of moving the network to the new severs which marks the last event in the project. During the undertaking of the project, there are various estimations that need to be done. Some of the estimation techniques used include the parametic estimating method. This is used to make quantitative estimates of cost. The cost of repairing the ceiling per square meter was estimated using this method. The bottom up estimation criteria was also depended on when estimating various costs of the project. It also enabled in accurate estimation of duration of activities. PERT method was also used to evaluate and analyze the tasks that are involved in the project. It helps in identifying the minimum time required to complete each task and the time required to complete the entire project. The following is the project time line for AET migration project: Task definition Duration Start date Planned completion date Conducting of initial meeting 1 day Match 1st 1/3/2018 Hiring of contractor 7 days 2/3/2018 8/3/2018 Network design 14 days 9/3/2018 22/3/2018 Installation of ventilation system 7 days 23/3/2018 29/3/2028 Installation of racks 21 days 30/3/2018 19/4/2018 Renovation of data center 20 days 20/4/2018 9/5/2018 Inspection of the project by city inspector 2 days 10/5/2018 11/5/2018 Installation of data cables 5 days 12/5/2018 16/5/2018 Running of data cables 7days 17/5/2018 23/5/2018 Meetings with functional units 21 days 24/5/2018 15/6/2018 Power check 1 day 16/6/2018 16/6/2018 Installation of test servers 7 days 17/6/2018 23/6/2018 Charging batteries and review of systems and network 2 days 24/6/2018 25/6/2018 Checking off primary systems and meetings 1 day 26/6/2018 26/6/2018 Moving network components to new data server 2 days 27/6/2018 28/6/2018 The network will be ready to be transferred to the new servers by 29/6/2018 after all the scheduled activities have taken place. Conclusion The paper begins with estimation of costs required to implement the project successfully. The report elaborates the importance of accurate cost estimation. The report also discusses types of costs and the importance of WBS and networks in a project. The paper also contains a detailed implementation plan which gives details on the activities that need to be carried out in order to achieve the objective of the project. The order in which these activities need to be carried out their dependencies is also determined. A project budget totaling $87,000 is prepared with a detailed justification of each and every budgetary allocation. The report ends with designing of the project time schedule that indicates the time it will take to complete each task and the time the whole project will be completed. References Australia, C. L., Blanton, S. (2015). Information Technology Project Management. Bruce, A., Langdon, K. (2009). Project management. Callahan, K. R., Stetz, G. S., Brooks, L. 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